Manson's Thoughts

Collection of poems/verses/ideologies written over the years.

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Quotes from HK Long Story... On Grown up Love

Quotes from HK Long Story... Episode 5, towards the end.. 

"... Do you like her? Yes of course. Maybe it's now a habit, but its never about I love you or you love me, as time goes on, maybe it’s a sense of responsibility..."

"Let go of everything, then what?  No feeling and keep looping/repeating, is there a point?"

"On love - fireworks can't last forever, we get older, we get tired.  Once you get to a certain age, you will settle down, to develop a relationship.  It's not betraying your feeling, but part of growing up.  When you face different people, you will have a different role, a different responsibility, and care what others feel.  Just caring about yourself, that's not freedom, but selfish and childish."

"...Love is a lot of things, not just fireworks - over once it is done."


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