Manson's Thoughts

Collection of poems/verses/ideologies written over the years.

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Success and Ignorance

If a person achieves alot, people think they are successful.
If a person does it often enough, people think they are lucky.
If a person is lucky enough, they are envied.
Then you hear from people that things come easy to them... and I had a rougher life than this person...

What the mass tend to forget is how the person starts to achieve alot anyway. You don't become successful because you have a nice life. You become successful because you tried, and am trying correctly. Having a nice life only ends up giving you a different set of worries.

Those who think people walk into success are ignorant of all the efforts that has gone into being effortless. You see a person get a high mark on a test. Have you ever thought about how the successful person studied the whole time while you were drinking your life away? You say you studied the same amount as them, have you ever thought HOW the 'successful' person study? Are they staring blankly into a book? What do they do when they don't understand a concept? Do they sit and draw doodles, or be proactive and get help or start mapping similar questions together?

You see someone excel at work. Do you see what they do at work? Are they really working and trying to get an understanding of everything? What are they doing that you are not? What are you doing that they aren't?

When things out of your control happens and blocks your path. What do you do while this is blocking you. Are you wasting your time trying to unblock something that cannot be unblocked? Or do you realize that there is nothing more you can do, so you go about preparing all the other pieces so that once you are unblocked, you can steam roll through?

She was right. She wasn't lucky to be where she is. I knew this after I said it too; just I didn't know how to put it into words... just took two years that's all :)


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